Safe Routes to School & Sustainable Jersey for Schools

TransOptions is proud to be the leading local resource for your community sustainability needs, and we’ve developed our air quality programs with statewide recognition actions and events in mind. Our air quality programming can be easily added to your walk- or bike-to-school day, walking school bus, school travel plan, clean air campaign or air awareness program. 

A safe route to school is one with clean air. Our pollution data can help guide route planning decisions and minimize children’s exposure to dangerous air that might otherwise go unseen. For students, our air quality sensor helps make real and visible the health and environmental benefits of active transportation.  

We provide unique and valuable tools and assistance for your Green Team, whose goals we share: achieving a healthier, more sustainable school environment for students, families, visitors, and staff. If your school is aiming for official certification and greater sustainability, we are ready to support you as you develop, implement, and document your outdoor air quality or anti-idling awareness program.